Jumat, 13 April 2012

Is it need to wear jilbab for the woman???

Ok, my sisters and brothers…
Now, I wanna explain my opinion about a problem
“Is it need to wear jilbab for the woman???”
But before it, I wanna tell you all, what is jilbab?

Jilbab is a clothes that cover the woman’s body from head to the foot until only can see their face and palm.
Besides the rule of Islamic religion, actually every woman in the world can choose if they wanna wear jilbab or not. Therefore, some woman agreed that need for the woman to wear jilbab, and the other woman disagreed it.
And for their opinion, they have many reason.
Ok, firstly I wanna tell some reasons of the women that agreed to wear jilbab, they are:
-  Actually, jilbab is simple and easy for wearing, jilbab can wear wherever and whenever. We can wear it in formal programme or informal programme. In the afternoon, jilbab protect our body and our head from the sun shine. In the evening, jilbab gives us the warm.
- Jilbab also fashionable and it isn’t out of date because we can modify it neither from the color, shape or the material.
- Beside it, jilbab can found in most of clothes stores in this world.
- The last reason and I think it’s the best reason. Jilbab will keep the woman from the criminal action. It means, jilbab avoids the woman from disturbance of unresponsible man. For the example, when a sexy girl or a woman doesn’t wear jilbab passed by front of the man, ususally the man will disturb her neither just whistle even until touch a part of her body. Naudzubillah. But, the different view, we will see if a woman wears jilbab passed by front of the man, they will reluctant to disturb her, even not seldom they pray for the woman wear jilbab by saying “Assalamu’alaikum” to her. Because it, the woman wear jilbab like a jewel is saved in the glass case that never touch by the random man and also is kept by all of people.
And the second, I wanna tell some reasons of the woman disagreed that need for the woman to wear jilbab.
And this is some of them…
- For some woman in this world wear jilbab very disturb their intercourse and their work. For the example to look for a job, some firm in this world can’t receive employee from the woman wear jilbab.
- They also think, wear jilbab will restrict their activities, for the example when a woman wants to do a job that must doing quickly also difficult, jilbab will disturb their movement.
-  Some people in the world consider the woman wear jilbab as a terrorism that saved the bomb on the back side of their jilbab. Therefore, they usually don’t wanna associate with the woman wear jilbab
-  Some woman also think if they wear jilbab, they will feel hot and they think jilbab is out of date.
From many statements based, we can conclude that wear jilbab for the woman is human rights. All of woman can choose if they wanna wear jilbab or not.
Maybe until here from me, thanks for your attention and finally I say..
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Note: Tulisan ne bukan berarti menafikan ajaran Islam yang meWAJIBkan Jilbab... I just try u/ bpendapat scra objektif, terlepas dr aturan2 Normatif...
Bagaimanapun, dalam Islam berjilbab adalah KEWAJIBAN bukan PILIHAN

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